Long Lost Skills
Making Soap
If you would like to make your own soap, so you know exactly what is in it, click here for step by step instructions.
Hunting and Gathering
There are many, many things we can learn from our ancestors when it comes to hunting and gathering.
Making Wine
Talk about a long-lost skill!
Growing up I remember helping my mom make homemade wine out of grapes by stomping them with my feet. If you too would like to learn this trick, click here for step-by-step instructions.
Root Cellar
Did you know that the refrigerator was not invented until 1913! Before that root cellars were common place in most homes.
Click HERE to learn how to make your own cellar.
Honestly, how many avid hunters do you know who can properly butcher meat? I am attaching a site I found that is an excellent guide for butchering pigs. All you need to do is click HERE. I will let you know now that this site is not for the faint of heart. It is very graphic, but necessary for those who learn from observation.
Growing your own food does not have to be complicated! Check out the Farming 101 page to learn about the different types of farming.