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Bug Out bag


Top 10 items you need in your bug out bag.


This is not a complete list by any means but it is definitely a start. At the end of the day, we are all different and need different things so plan accordingly.


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Water Purifier

Did you know that the human body is made up of 60% water? And that you can only go without water for about 3 days! Making the LifeStraw one of the top 10 things you need in your bug out bag.

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Fire Starter

The second thing you will need is a way to start a fire. Now there are many ways to start a fire; one of which is with a Fire Stick. 

It's basically a giant flint that can be used in any weather situation and strikes up to 15,000+ times. 

     When picking things out remember to pack light! The lighter your items are the more you can bring. 


Cooking Supplies

You will definitely need a way to boil water and cook your food

     Also, do not forget to pack a can opener.



You must be able to defend your loved ones. Period. The mayhem after the SHTF will be unfathomable. Many people won't be ready, and those who are will be scrambling to provide for their kids. Panic will be felt everywhere. Laws will be completely ignored, and everyone will be out for himself.

If you were unprepared, what would you do? Would you do anything to feed your children?

Simply something to consider...

Cooking Over Campfire


Start stockpiling foods with a high protein content, lots of calories, and a lengthy shelf life. Stockpiling foods like grains, beans, dried fruit, pasta, and beef jerky is a great idea.

Clothes Ganging on a Rack


Creating a bug-out bag (BOB) with appropriate clothing is crucial for your preparedness in emergency situations. The specific clothing items you include will depend on your location, climate, and personal needs, but here's a general list of clothing items to consider:

1. **Weather-Appropriate Clothing:**
   - **Layered Clothing:** Include clothing that allows you to layer for warmth or cooling. This should include base layers, mid-layers, and outer layers.
   - **Seasonal Clothing:** Depending on the climate, pack clothing suitable for the season. This may include shorts, t-shirts, and light clothing for hot weather, or heavy clothing for cold weather.
   - **Rain Gear:** A waterproof jacket or poncho, rain pants, and waterproof boots can be essential if you encounter rain.

2. **Footwear:**
   - **Sturdy Hiking Boots:** Choose comfortable and durable boots suitable for walking long distances.
   - **Extra Socks:** Pack several pairs of moisture-wicking socks to keep your feet dry and prevent blisters.

3. **Headwear:**
   - **Hat or Cap:** A wide-brimmed hat or cap can protect you from the sun and rain.

4. **Gloves:**
   - **Work Gloves:** Sturdy gloves can be useful for various tasks, such as building shelter or handling equipment.

5. **Cold Weather Gear (if applicable):**
   - **Thermal Underwear:** Thermal or woolen underwear can help retain body heat in cold climates.
   - **Insulated Jacket:** A warm, insulated jacket is crucial for staying warm in cold weather.
   - **Warm Hat and Gloves:** Protect extremities from frostbite.

6. **Change of Clothes:**
   - **Extra Clothing:** Include an extra set of clothing in case your current attire gets wet or damaged.
   - **Underwear:** Pack clean underwear to maintain hygiene.

7. **Protection from Insects and Sun:**
   - **Insect-Repellent Clothing:** Consider clothing treated with insect repellent.
   - **Sun Protection:** Sunglasses, sunscreen, and lip balm with sunblock can protect against UV rays.

8. **Personal Preferences:**
   - **Eyeglasses or Contacts:** If you wear glasses or contacts, have a spare pair in your bag.
   - **Prescription Medications:** If you have any medical conditions, include necessary medications and medical supplies.

9. **Identification and Important Documents:**
   - **ID and Important Papers:** Keep photocopies of identification and essential documents in a waterproof bag.

Remember to rotate and update clothing items periodically to account for changes in seasons and to ensure that everything remains in good condition. Also, consider the specific needs of your family members if you are preparing a bug-out bag for them. Ultimately, the contents of your bug-out bag should be tailored to your individual circumstances and the potential emergencies you might face.



You need to plan ahead so that you will have a safe bug out location.



Get your maps now and plan out your route. If you live in the city you need to look at all means of escape. Most people will be taking the interstate while you will be taking the back roads where there will be a significantly lower number of people on the roads.

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Even if the SHTF tomorrow you would still need something to clean yourself with. You should learn now how to make home made soap and deodorant! Ladies, I'm sorry to tell you but your periods will not stop even if everything else does. For that very reason a menstrual cup is a must in my bug out bag.

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First Aid Kit

DO NOT FORGET to pack any prescription medications you may need. It is always a good idea to have an extra supply of antibiotics on hand as well. Amazon has a First Aid Kit with 299 pieces for $15.89!

Another item you should add to your first aid kit is Iodine pills, in case of a nuclear attack you will be protected.

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